Hablemos de vinos./ Best of wines.
Yo no soy un experto en la materia pero tengo la impresión de
que en Venezuela lo que más se consume en bebidas alcohólicas es cerveza, ron,
y otra gran variedad de bebidas espirituosas (licores blancos por ejemplo). Sin
embargo, el incremento en la venta de vinos en la actualidad se puede ver cuándo
vamos a los supermercados y hay cada vez
secciones más grandes en la venta de estos
productos provenientes de todas partes del mundo. Pongamos como ejemplo dos países
como Australia y Sur África (solo por ser del cono sur) que según mi visión son
países que pueden tener un gran porcentaje de sus territorios como regiones tal
vez muy áridas. Sin embargo la calidad de vinos que estos países producen es reconocida
a nivel mundial y cada vez son más populares entre los consumidores. Porque no
podemos nosotros, los Venezolanos, ser productores de vinos a nivel mundial?, después
de todo tenemos una gran cantidad de tierras fértiles y variedad de climas que pudiéramos
utilizar con estos fines para sacarle provecho de la misma manera que lo hacen
nuestros vecinos suramericanos, por ejemplo Argentina y Chile? Solo una idea, aquí
pensando, mientras me tomo un ron con coke…
I am not an expert but I have the impression that we are not a mass wines consumer. However, the increase of this sort of drinks has become more and more popular in the country. In supermarket aisles is now available a selection of the best world wines that the market can offer, not available in the past though. Let´s bring forward Australia and South Africa as example, that have a great tradition producing, drinking and exporting wines. One might think that for being in the south cone these two countries have a weather too hot for this enterprise. The reality is other in fact. The quality and fame of these products are worldwide recognised. Why cannot be us a worldwide wine producer?. After all we have similar land conditions of the two mentioned countries above. We could also learn from our South American counter parts, Argentine and Chile. This was just an idea, thinking while drinking a rum and coke…
I am not an expert but I have the impression that we are not a mass wines consumer. However, the increase of this sort of drinks has become more and more popular in the country. In supermarket aisles is now available a selection of the best world wines that the market can offer, not available in the past though. Let´s bring forward Australia and South Africa as example, that have a great tradition producing, drinking and exporting wines. One might think that for being in the south cone these two countries have a weather too hot for this enterprise. The reality is other in fact. The quality and fame of these products are worldwide recognised. Why cannot be us a worldwide wine producer?. After all we have similar land conditions of the two mentioned countries above. We could also learn from our South American counter parts, Argentine and Chile. This was just an idea, thinking while drinking a rum and coke…
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