El no está loco, lo que esta es planetario./ He´s not crazy, a bit loopy may be.
Esta expresión siempre se me viene a la mente y me hace reír cada vez más. No estoy muy seguro de donde viene pero recuerdo que cuando era niño había un programa de televisión que se ocupaba de supervisar entes públicos relacionados con la educación, hospitales, etc. y fueron a un hogar se salud mental donde una señora si mal no recuerdo estaba siendo entrevistada y dijo algo similar (yo no estoy loca, lo que soy es planetaria). Tal vez ella hizo uso de la expresión en sí sin yo saberlo, pero en mi memoria quedo como si ella lo hubiese inventado. Esta frase se ha vuelto bastante cotidiana y por demás famosa que hasta se convirtió en una especie de refrán popular. Yo no estoy seguro en su significado aunque supongo que casa persona tiene su análisis particular pero en mi caso pudiera decir que cuando se usa se puede interpretar como que una persona puede tener la razón en algo (idea), pero sin justificar o sin poder explicar detalladamente lo que lo llevo a tal razonamiento. Por eso se dice: loco, loco no está (eso está claro), lo que esta es planetario (aunque no muy claro)…
The expression highlighted in the title always comes to my mind. I am not sure where it does comes from but I can remember this tv programme when a kid that used to whatchdog governmental managed entities such as schools, hospitals and centres of public health. On one of the issues they aired a programme of a home of rest for people with insanity problems. A patient being interviewed was asked about the state of her health and she responded it: “I am not crazy, a bit loopy may be”. She used this expression perhaps quoting somebody else´s but in my head it´s like she invented it. It´s been used more frequently since then until a point that became a popular saying in this part of the world. I am quite not sure the certain meaning of it, as each person can give a different connotation. But for me, what it does mean is as if she really believes she is not crazy but at the same time she is acknowledging she has a mental sanity issue. Which is a bit contradictory for me since when she realises the sort of problems she has and she can make such an accurate evaluation is because she understands the illness itself. What makes her, in other words her own psychiatrist. And it makes sense to say she is not crazy, crazy (that´s for sure), a bit loopy may be (although not that sure)…
The expression highlighted in the title always comes to my mind. I am not sure where it does comes from but I can remember this tv programme when a kid that used to whatchdog governmental managed entities such as schools, hospitals and centres of public health. On one of the issues they aired a programme of a home of rest for people with insanity problems. A patient being interviewed was asked about the state of her health and she responded it: “I am not crazy, a bit loopy may be”. She used this expression perhaps quoting somebody else´s but in my head it´s like she invented it. It´s been used more frequently since then until a point that became a popular saying in this part of the world. I am quite not sure the certain meaning of it, as each person can give a different connotation. But for me, what it does mean is as if she really believes she is not crazy but at the same time she is acknowledging she has a mental sanity issue. Which is a bit contradictory for me since when she realises the sort of problems she has and she can make such an accurate evaluation is because she understands the illness itself. What makes her, in other words her own psychiatrist. And it makes sense to say she is not crazy, crazy (that´s for sure), a bit loopy may be (although not that sure)…
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