Tuesday, December 9, 2014

John 5:20.

Todo comenzó tan rápido que no lo podía creer. En plena oscuridad solo podía ver la salida al final del túnel. La misma salida por donde entré pero a plena luz del día. Todos corrían y me saludaban. Para mi sorpresa ella estaba allí, esperándome. Mi alegría no me dejaba pensar y me salían lágrimas por los ojos. Ella me miró, me abrazó y luego me amamantó. 

Everything was so fast I could not believe it. It was pitch dark and the only access of light it could be found at the end of the tunnel. The same place from where I managed to get in. Everybody was running back and forth to greet me. For my surprise she was there, waiting for me. I was so happy when I saw her I could not stop crying. She looked at me, she hugged me and then she breast fed me. 


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